Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why the Phone Call is Still Number One

Text..Email..?!?! No Thanks, I'd Rather Talk on the Phone

How did we become a society of impersonal communication and why it ok?  It's really hard to believe that nobody has the time to pick up a call.  I have witnessed firsthand, friends ignoring a phone call then immediately replying via text message.  It boggles my mind that people prefer to communicate this way.  There are several reasons why I prefer a phone call to text or email, and these are just a few of them.  

1. A phone call is personal:  Have you ever thought of what kind of message replying to a call via text sends?  It has happened to me before, and I wasn't impressed to realize the recipient of my call found it easier to reply to me via text instead of answer the call.  What the recipient didn't realize was that the call would have taken 15 seconds, but the text interaction took almost 10 minutes.  As a busy person, it was pretty frustrating to spend 15 minutes of my day responding to text messages when I could have easily made my plans for the evening in a few seconds.

2.  No room for misinterpretation:  I'm sure we can all remember an email or text message that we misinterpreted.  What should have been a cordial communication was blown out of proportion because of a misunderstanding. Considering most of us communicate with abbreviations and slang, this is something that is bound to happen.  If you have ever experienced an exchange like this, chances are you told yourself everything would have been much easier if you picked up the phone.  So why didn't you?  What were you afraid of?

3.  It is quick and easy:  If the main reason you avoid the phone is because you don't like to talk, then phone calls should be quick and easy.   Instead of chit chat, your calls should be frank and to the point and the person you are speaking to will respect your candor.  A lot of people share your perspective, so instead of spending time re-reading your emails, pick up the phone and take care of business in a minute.

4.  It shows you care:  Imagine yourself in this situation.  It's your birthday and two people contact you to wish you the best on your special day.  One friend sends you a generic birthday message and the other friend calls. Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy on your special day?  I think that question is pretty easy to answer.

There are a lot of reasons the phone is my preferred method of communication.  I'm sure there are a lot of TeleBlend users who feel the same way.  Please share some of the reasons you prefer the phone to text or email. 

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